MCOHL has been taking a series of environmental friendly measures in Olympic House for environmental protection and the sustainable development since June 2007.
Green Surroundings:
Planting of flowers along the walking paths
Waste Recycling:
We have established a comprehensive recycling programme to collect different kinds of recyclable materials: waste paper, metals, plastic waste, laser cartridge, inkjet cartridge and rechargeable battery.
Reducing wastes:
We have installed LED screens in the lobby of each floor instead of posting paper signage
2/F, 1/F and G/F Lobby
We have installed hand dryers to reduce the use of toilet paper
Energy Saving:
We have installed an energy-saving lighting system (T5 fluorescent and LED lighting) in all common and office area of each floor
2/F, 1/F and G/F Lobby
2/F, Jockey Club Lecture Theatre and Board Room
1/F and 2/F Office Area
Timer / Motion sensors were installed to operate the electrical appliances
Water Conservation:
We have installed infra-red sensor faucets at all toilets

Water closets with new flushing water saving system

Environmental Education:
To raise tenants’ awareness of environmental protection, signage has been posted at conspicuous sites for their information
Electric vehicle charging facilitiy:
To support Government’s launch of the electric vehicle scheme, a charging facility for electric vehicle has been set up at G/F car park.